...So I got tagged so here are some random facts about Kylie...
1. No i dont have a middle name...but i like it?
2. Some of my favorite things to do...
a) I love to sew. It has become my new hobbie brought back from the past. I think that is what i do in most of my spare time.
b) I love to read. this is a good thing cause i have so so so many reading assignments!
c) I love to cook. But it is a rough road without the convienience of my kitchen back home and did i mention money?...
d) I love to go to the new savers...Sanpete Thrift...its got sweet finds
e) I love to ride my bike! i go on a ride almost everyday! it is so refreshing!
f) I also love to go running especially here in Ephraim cause the air is changing into crisp Autumn air.
g) I love fall! this includes everything from sweaters, scents, scenery, savory treats, colors and of course the leaves!
3. Some pet peeves that i have are when people have food stuck in the corners of their mouth... ugh i might throw up thinking about it. Oh yeah also when the person sitting behind you tap tap taps your chair over and over the WHOLE class!
4. My favorite movies...considering the movies i have seen which basically cover disney and ones made 10 years ago....
a) Braveheart is my top favorite and i think always will be
b) The Ringer....Classic movie to watch with Lydia
c) Beauty and the Beast
d) Last of the Mohicans, The Patriot...I think there is a pattern with Mel Gibbson?
5. My favorit books include
a) I love history books...real ones not the lame kind that some one wrote about someones analysis of the time period but the acutal first hand account!
b) Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse
c) Any C.S. Lewis...i loved the Screw tape letters and the great Divorce
6. If i had a million dollars...
a) a Scooter...a cute kind you would see in Europe
b) donation to find cure for diabetes
c) Savings
d) food, for going out to eat or cooking
e) pay for books for school
f) Tuition
g) to travel around Europe
Who knows? i guess i wont know until i have a million dollars...
oh yeah.....
h) world peace